The Best New Releases - October Edition!

Hi friends!

So surprise, surprise the endless cycle just keeps on coming… To be 100% honest with you the ‘new release’ cycles can be grueling. A sign of our current out-of-wack times, to be sure. I know I sound blah-blah-blah about it but truly I am excited to introduce you to these discoveries… the beauty space is just a lot to keep up with!
Since I can barely keep on top of everything new myself, I’m sure you’re overwhelmed with the amount of *new* also… here are my top picks from October.

Beauty in the Time of Quarantine

Sooo… yeah, times are strange/scary/stressful/choose your own adventure-esque.

With the world, for better or worse, attempting to continue to function a lot of us have returned to work with a WFH vibes while others are physically getting back into the world but with a lot of ‘why even put in the effort for beauty… half my face is covered!’
*yay, good for you wearing a mask!*

I get it and I totally agree. Even though I’m a makeup artist… I’m the laziest makeup wearer you’ll ever find!
My ideal beauty is fresh, juicy skin, maaaybe some concealer, a good brow brush up and curled/mascara’d lashes. With the final touch being a sick, pop of color on the lip. Chic, Frenchie vibes 100% of the time… yes I know, I’m chasing a dream.
So as you can imagine, I’m going pretty basic these days with my beauty since I’m either at home with kids therefore no bold lip (I must kiss their faces at least 8,000x per day!) or I’ve got a mask on. At first I wasn’t feeling like myself, for obvious reasons, but now I’ve taken to throwing a lipstick on for that glorious 1 hour in the afternoon called ‘nap time’! I sit in front of my computer, maniacally trying to get through a day’s worth of work in 1 hour while wearing a bright lip… and you know what, it’s changed my whole vibe! It’s become a ritual and I LOVE it, plus I swear it’s helped me mind-shift for some serious batch working.

All this to say, these past 8 months have changed us in many ways. Our daily routines are different and in times of change we always want to find ways to bring a little ‘normalcy’ back to our lives. Mine is lipstick… but there are a ton of other ways to reconnect with yourself in your new normal.

Here are some ways to reconnect with beauty in the times of quarantine, insolation and masks!

Kick-Ass Eyes….

If there has ever been a moment for a strong eye game - NOW IS THE TIME!

Whether you’ve always wanted to perfect the overdramatic 50’s liner or wanted to live out all your Studio 54 glam, smoky eye’d dreams… you have the perfect excuse. Highlight those eyes if you’re heading out, they’ll be the perfect accessory for your mask!

Skincare Focus

Not only is it a bit of self-care but there is also nothing more beautiful
than glowing, juicy skin. Especially if you can’t exactly have fun
in the world of color cosmetics.
Focus on acids (AHAs/BHAs) for gentle exfoliation, Vitamin C for brightness and
all the super-moisturizing masks. Basically you’re going for anything that’s going to give you dewy, beautifully shiny skin!

Just remember… take it easy on the skin and introduce exfoliants slowly.
No one wants inflamed and annoyed skin!

As a final note… I’ll leave you with a little mask hack to help combat the dreaded mask-ne.
Fill a small spray bottle with any oil-controlling toner, spritz into mask just before wearing and volia! a refreshing and acne-fighting way to mask up.

Check out some of my most favorite products to help beautify every aspect of your day…